
发布者:经济学系     时间:2024-12-02     阅读次数:574

报告题目:Media Competition, Media Capture, and Pollution in China






程华,现任中南财经政法大学教授、博导,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校特聘教授,曾任南开大学副教授,他的本科和博士分别毕业于北京大学和德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,他的研究领域涉及发展经济学、数字经济、法经济学、运营管理、公司金融等,研究成果发表于Journal of Law and Economics (封面文章)、Production and Operations Management、Journal of Development Economics等国内外顶尖学术期刊,并有多篇论文在Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis、Production and Operations Management、The Accounting Review、管理世界等国内外顶尖期刊处于评审状态,曾获战略管理学会最佳论文奖、中国信息经济学会最佳论文奖等奖励。


This paper examines the impacts of media market competition on firms’ pollution in the context of media capture, where firms try to suppress negative news. Exploiting a media reform that forced a large number of newspapers to exit the market in China, we find that polluting firms emitted less pollution and the remaining newspapers reported more pollution-related issues following the newspaper exits. While this finding challenges the conventional belief that a more competitive media market serves as a better watchdog, it aligns with a model suggesting that the deadweight loss from imperfect media competition can be offset by the negative externality of pollution.


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